Everyone likes different things in porn and a very popular genre for ages is the "Golden Shower" which basically means urinating on a girl. On this site, however, you only find girls that piss themselves and play with their urine.

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🥉 3 of 9👑 $19.9520. November 2015

At Wet and Pissy it's all about Pissing Girls.

You will find gorgeous girls playing with their dildos until they feel the need to take a piss. But why go to the toilet, when you can take a piss just where you are? They piss right on the floor, table, or in their popular big bowl. Just to lick it off or drink it afterward.

Pissing in all Porn Movies

Wet and Pissy is a premium site for wetting and everything around pissing. The girls are from Europe, hot and do everything you expect from a pissy site. They piss on glass tables, they piss in glasses and they piss in their lingerie. They spread it on their body, they lick it off the ground and they also drink their own urine. Whatever your fetish in urinating / wetting is, it is highly possible you find it there.

Download Their Videos

You can download all the videos from 320p (older porn videos) up to 4K (newer porn videos). As everything is shot in HD today, the quality of the videos is really outstanding and you see what you want to see.

With every movie, you get a gallery of pictures and the possibility to comment on the shot, so the producers can improve stuff if you miss a thing or just to tell them that they made an awesome job! ;)

If you like the pissing/golden shower genre you have to check this site out. Its the best premium site you will find in this sector.

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This site is part of

  • Pissing/wetting In All Forms
  • Solo Pissing Videos Only

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The review of "wetandpissy.com" on "pornsites.xxx" was written by a real person who audited the porn site to write down all the information you need to know. In addition to the free access, the member area was also checked (if applicable) so you can decide if a membership is worth the money.

This way, we can form a real and honest opinion of Wet and Pissy.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to note that this is only one person's impression and opinion, which may not be 100% consistent with your experience. If you are dissatisfied with our review or think we missed some important information, don't hesitate to give us feedback! The contact form to update this review is linked in the footer of this page.

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Whatever you may find on wetandpissy.com: it is not operated by "Porn Sites XXX".

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