Welcome to the unique world of girls pissing on each and everything! The piss on other pussies, they piss on dicks, they piss in each others mouth and they also love to receive the piss of pussy, men - and sometimes mixed. In all videos, you see girls pissing on other people, glass-tables, bowls and all other stuff where they might get some fun from. This site is definitely for people loving golden showers. If you are not into urine-play, you pick a different site.
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🏅 6 of 9👑 $24.9511. March 2016
VIPissy is from the creators and producers of wetandpissy.com bringing you new content in a quality which you haven't seen before! Girls pissing on others, getting golden showers from guys or pissing in their own mouth. You see something like this in every single video of more than 150 models and more than 80 hours of video content. As bonus you also get more than 32k pictures. Some comments from their homepage: "Very sexy girl and great update. I am very impressed with her ability to lie on her back with her feet in the air, bum up, and spray her pee so that some goes into her own mouth! Wow, that is hot!" "What a pretty pretty girl Uma is ! She has the most beautiful pussy lips , nice and big and perfect to watch the pee coming out of her !! Absolutely LOVED this vid !!!"
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