Some Chaturbate Stats

Chaturbate Homepage

Chaturbate is one of our most visited sites and so we decided to get some extra statistics for you to understand how extraordinary big and popular is.

For our data, we fetched data about broadcasters from 24. September to 12. October 2020  like “how many subscribers” they have or how many people watched on a single simultaneously. And honestly, it was more than even I expected.

20.000 viewers at once!

As mentioned, we now have data for 3 weeks. We tracked down females, as well as male broadcasters, transgender, and of course also couple cams. Here is what we got:

The Top Cams in this timespan:

Cam Host RoomFollowersViewers At A Time
Top 5 Chaturbate Broadcasters by Simulatinous Viewers from 24. Sep to 12.Oct 2020
Cam Host RoomFollowersViewers At A Time
Top 5 Chaturbate Broadcasters by Followers from 24. Sep to 12.Oct 2020

You can click their name to visit their room. Though, if it is offline, you will get to one of the featured cams on Chaturbate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


siswet19 is the only broadcaster that is listed in both lists and therefore the most popular cam in this time span. While we have tracked down everything to ensure the accuracy of the data used, of course, we were not able to crown the best cam host at Chaturbate – But we keep on the tracking until the end of the year to get more stats about it and we are going to release a new post once we have everything YOU want to know! 😉


Carl for