1000+ Reviews!

You know what? Porn Sites XXX passed 1000 porn site reviews today!

And honestly, I almost missed that. When we moved from PornGatherer.com to PornSites.xxx we already had a few hundred reviews and since then we have added new great sites, while we dumped sites that were closed, stopped updating, or got filled up with advertisements. So it was kind of an up and down all the time.

It took some years, but as of today, the number of reviews has 4 digits! 😉

You might have found other review sites that brag about having a lot more sites, but those numbers are never correct. They add 500 subreddits, 300 Instagram accounts of porn stars, and then talk about “having the most porn sites” – Bullshit!

At Porn Sites XXX, we put quality over quantity and so we are very proud to announce 1000 reviews of porn sites that are safe, (99%) free of pirated material, and that are good enough to even make it to our list! 😉

Thanks to PornDoe.com btw – If anyone is wondering. Let’s see when we hit the next milestone.Â